Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Keio University - Japan
In today's internationally interdependent world, Keio places great effort upon maintaining the finest teaching faculty and superlative facilities. Based on the knowledge and experience of their predecessors, today's Keio students strive to develop the leadership qualities that will enable them to make valuable contributions to tomorrow's society. In 2008 the University celebrated its 150th anniversary.
Best Courses :
Graduate School of Letters
Graduate School of Economics
Graduate School of Law
Graduate School of Human Relations
Graduate School of Business and Commerce
Graduate School of Medicine
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Business Administration
Graduate School of Media and Governance
Graduate School of Health Management
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Law School
Graduate School of Media Design
Graduate School of System Design and Management
more details : www.study-japan.info
Finance Course in International University of Japan
The objective of this course is to provide a thorough introduction to the fundamental principles of asset valuation and financing in competitive financial markets. The course examines the important issues in corporate finance from a perspective of financial managers who need to make significant investment and financing decisions. We start with the NPV rule, which leads us to the valuation of debt and equity. We then investigate the efficient market hypothesis and examine the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and the portfolio theories in such a market. We also learn to use the NPV rule to justify capital investment decisions. Option pricing will be the last step in our venture into the world of corporate finance. While this course is not designed to teach an abstract mathematical theory of modern financial economics, a basic theoretical understanding of various topics is essential to competent analysis and intellectual discussion. Furthermore, in examining issues in portfolio diversification, knowledge of basic statistics and spreadsheets will be essential and assumed. Prerequisite: Statistics. Co-requisite: Financial Accounting and/or Managerial Economics.
Managerial Economics
This course provides the concepts and tools of microeconomics most often applied in managerial or business contexts. It focuses on optimal resource-allocation, pricing strategies, and tactical decisions that are made by private firms and public institutions of an economy. Some mathematics will be used but emphasis is placed on understanding the economic implications of the equations. The course will take the form of lectures and discussion in class. Active class participation is encouraged.
This course will introduce you to major issues currently of concern to all investors in global financial markets. First, you will understand the basic mechanism of financial markets over viewing major players, assets, and conventions. Second, you will understand basic theories of investment analysis. Finally, you will obtain basic skills necessary to implement theories in real financial markets. Throughout this course, students will be equipped with knowledge and skills essential to start investments as an investment professional or a sophisticated individual investor. In addition, if you plan to take elective finance courses at IUJ such as Portfolio Management, Derivatives Markets, and Debt Securities Markets, this course will be an important foundation.
more details : www.study-japan.info
Study in International University of Japan

The inaugural General Meeting of Promoters of the International University of Japan was held.
Representatives of Promoters of the International University of Japan: (Titles: at that time)
Tadashi Sasaki, Chairman, Japan Association of Corporate Executives
Toshio Doko, Chairman, Japan Federation of Economic Organizations
Sohei Nakayama, Advisor, The Industrial Bank of Japan, Ltd.
Shigeo Nagano, President, The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Tatsuzo Mizukami, President, Japan Foreign Trade Council, Inc.
more details : www.study-japan.info
Mar 16, 1979 The Charter of establishment of the Foundation for the Establishment of the International University of Japan was issued.
Jan 16, 1982 The Charter of the Educational Foundation of the International University of Japan was approved. The International University of Japan and Graduate School of International Relations were established. As of this date, The Ministry of Education fully approves of, and accredits IUJ and GSIR as a Japanese private university under its authority.
Apr 1, 1982 The Graduate School of International Relations began to operate.
Apr 1, 1983 Students for the Graduate School of International Relations were accepted.
May 1, 1985 The Centre for Japan-U.S. Relations and the Institute of Middle Eastern Studies were established.
Mar 23, 1988 The Graduate School of International Management was established with full approval and accreditation from The Ministry of Education of Japan
Apr 1, 1988 The Graduate School of International Management began to operate.
June 1, 1988 Matsushita Library & Information Centre was established.
Aug 1, 1988 The International Management Research Institute was established.
Sep 1, 1988 Students for the Graduate School of International Management were accepted.
Apr 1, 1991 The Research Institute of Asian Development and the Global Communication Centre were established.
Sep 1, 1995 The Graduate School of International Relations reorganized its curriculum into two programs; International Relations Program and International Development Program.
Apr 1, 1997 The Centre for Japan-U.S. Relations, the Institute of Middle Eastern Studies, the International Management Research Institute and the Research Institute of Asian Development were unified. (IUJ Research Institute was established.)
Sep 1, 2001 Accepted the first Students for the E-Business Management program (One-year Master’s Degree program) of the Graduate School of International Management.
Sep 1, 2005 The International Peace Studies Program (IPSP) of the Graduate School of International Relations started.
Hitotsubashi University - Japan

Graduate Schools at Ritsumeikan - Japan
Ritsumeikan is home to 15 graduate schools located at the Suzaku, Kinugasa and Biwako-Kusatsu campuses. Ritsumeikan also has in place a number of graduate programs in English, giving students who have not mastered the Japanese language the opportunity to study in Japan. Click on the links below to see each graduate school's site.
more details : www.study-japan.info
Study Ritsumeikan University's

Undergraduate School in Japan
Undergraduate School Japan
School of Political Science and Economics
School of Law
School of Letters, Arts and Sciences I
School of Letters, Arts and Sciences II
School of Culture, Media and Society
School of Humanities and Social Sciences School of Education
School of Commerce
School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
School of Creative Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering
School of Social Sciences
School of Human Sciences
School of Sport Sciences
School of International Liberal Studies
more details : www.study-japan.info
Graduate Schools - Japan
Graduate Schools -
Graduate School of Political Science
Graduate School of Economics
Graduate School of Law
Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Graduate School of Commerce
Waseda Business School
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Education
Graduate School of Human Sciences
Graduate School of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Sport Sciences
Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
Graduate School of Global Information and Telecommunication Studies
Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics
more details : www.study-japan.info
School of International Politics, Economics and Business, Aoyama Gakuin University
Best Courses :
College of Literature
College of Education, Psychology and Human Studies
College of Economics
Faculty of Law
School of Business
School of International Politics, Economics and Communication
School of Cultural and Creative Studies
College of Science and Engineering
School of Social Informatics
The Aoyama Standard
more details : http://study-japan.info